What Our Clients Say
“With over 75 facilities located across the U.S., Canada and the United Kingdom, it is important to me that I partner with a vendor that has a national presence but also provides a single point of contact and Margenau Associates is that vendor.”
Audio Security Counter Measures Control Intentional Eavesdropping
Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities (SCIF)
Audio Security Counter Measure systems are utilized by the most secure facilities in the Nation and private industries to eliminate the possibility of intentional eavesdropping.
Our Speech Privacy Systems, utilizing super white noise, white noise or pink noise eliminate the opportunities for clandestine organizations with sophisticated eavesdropping equipment to engage in intentional espionage intended to compromise the integrity of your confidential conversations.
Regardless of whether information is a matter of national security, confidential corporate strategy or simply private, Margenau Associates, Inc. has capabilities that will assure that it remains conversationally secure.
Utilizing state-of-the-art computerized design programs, the most advanced technology and systems to subvert today’s aggressive voice surveillance tactics, MAI can help you eliminate these intrusive assaults on your conversations.

Our typical clients include:
- Military Installations
- Government Agencies
- Defense Contractors
- Government supply chain providers
- Executive Planning Locations
- Research and Development Facilities
As an alternative to costly and largely ineffective construction measures, MAI will develop a positive strategy that will assure the speech privacy you require.
Margenau Associates, Inc. deploys masking systems that are specifically designed to secure all penetrations in the space envelope including products that are available to protect:
- Ductwork
- Windows/Doors
- Walls
- Conduit/Pipes
- Floor Plenums
- Ceiling Plenums
You can rest assured that the information you need to share is protected by our state-of-the-art technology, meeting all ICD 705, DIAM and DCID requirements for SCIF.
With a prestigious list of Fortune 100 & 500 clients and over 30 Million square feet of projects completed successfully, MAI can provide real world, practical solutions to complicated acoustical problems.
Speech Privacy
The American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) has approved the use of the Speech Privacy Index (PI) to calculate and measure the acoustical quality of a space.
The oral communications section of this law requires that “reasonable safeguards” be in place to ensure that sensitive health information remains private.
Build Green
The United States Green Building Council (USGBC) defines green buildings as one that have significantly reduced negative impacts on the environment.
Audio Security
Audio Security Counter Measure systems are utilized by the most secure facilities in the Nation (SCIF) and private industries to eliminate the possibility of eavesdropping.